take a quiz

Let’s say you are not feeling too inspired yet. Keep reading. Enjoy using your imagination. Get more ideas. Check out the IEP for Home Toolkit at Understood.org. Download the toolkit.

Look for the self-assessment quiz. This quiz will help you identify the Goals and Objectives of the Content Pages. The quiz is useful because iit teaches another principle: “Level of support."

Your child may not be functioning independently yet, but might be able to reach goals and objectives with some support from you. You’ll want this information before you move to the Get Started page.

As you read the toolkit, think about which goals and objectives your child has already mastered. If your child has not yet mastered a goal or an objective, see if they are ready to reach the the goal or the objectives with some support from you. Here are supports that parents provide to help their children: Physical supports, Verbal Supports, and Intermittent supports. Think about how you could teach your child an objective using one of these levels of support.

Then, think about how you could fade supports. A child who needs physical supports now might be ready for intermittent physical supports. A child who needs intermittent physical supports might be ready for verbal-only support. A child who needs verbal supports might be ready for intermittent verbal supports.

You can locate the IEP for Home Toolkit and the Self-Assessment quiz by using the link below:

Building Your Child’s Life Skills: A Free Toolkit for Families

IEP for Home Toolkit


When you are ready, click on the link below. You are about to get Get Started.